Senior Portrait Flashback : Sam in 2004/2014

Hey there, it's Lori. Guess what I just realized? It's been ten years since I made my first high school senior portrait. Sam reminded me of this fact when she volunteered to help me with my 365 project earlier this month. Wow, ten years ago... I had just finished high school myself when Sam asked if I would make her portraits. We had so much fun in my backyard, using my moms gardens as our backdrop. I had to dig to find these images, but thought it would be fun to share a little then and now.

portrait with purple bg

female portrait

A couple of my favorites from 2004. I think I've come a long way :)

Then and now, accidentally a very similar pose!

The funny thing is, everyone has said the same thing after seeing these two images: She looks exactly the same, yet so different. Well Sam, let's make an appointment for 2024 and make this a tradition. :)

Have a great day everyone!

portrait outtakes