Fairport NY Candid Family Pictures: Lollypop Farm and Playground Fun

Goats, horses, pigs AND a playground? What a fun combo!

Our membership events are in full swing (no pun intended, just a nice coincidence). And this month we visited Lollypop Farms in Fairport with the littles in our membership program.

One of the truly beautiful aspects of this program is that there's no pressure. Letting the kids be kids is exactly what this is all about. Exploring, playing, climbing, swinging, laughing, being goofy with goats, slides and with you.

It's so much fun for us to capture. With no pressure to get "the perfect shot", we can get some amazing smiles in photographs - some that you'd never expect to get anywhere else.

And all by just letting the kids be themselves.

~ Erin

Erin Perrotta

Erin’s creative background roots began with her family and her education in Digital Media/Fine Arts degree at Canisius College. While she enjoys a good adventure, Erin is most comfortable at home with family (husband, Matt and son, Lucas) or friends, a good book, and a cup of coffee.