Senior Pictures at High Acres Nature Area, Fairport NY

If you want to feel like an under achiever, you should read Nate's resume. Seriously, between sports, school activities and being an eagle scout, I'm not sure how he balances it all. Nate loves the outdoors, hiking and being adventurous. When I asked him to climb in to the overgrown brush just off the trail, he didn't even flinch. It turned out to be one of my favorite shots. We also went over to the baseball field and had Nate put on his football jersey. Yup, you read that right! Haha. Nate's eagle scout project was creating cubbies and bat racks at the little league fields, so it made sense to incorporate those as well.

fairport senior outdoors

High School Senior pictures in Fairport NY

Eagle Scout Senior Pictures in Fairport NY

High School Senior Portrait, Fairport NY

senior boy with mom

Trying to get that intimidating look was hard work, and there was some serious laughter going on in between takes. Sometimes those are the best moments. Nate was awesome to work with, I hope he had as much fun at this session as we did!

Happy senior year!