Outdoor Senior Portraits in Penfield, NY

Ethan's Senior Pictures

Is it Ethan, or Adam Driver? Made you look, right? Because it’s Ethan a Class of 2021 Penfield High School Senior.

Ethan was a pleasure to work. His senior pictures were what most high school senior guys want when they come to us: simple, quick and easy. The evening light suited him, and I love how excited his mom was about his whole senior portrait session.

Congrats on your upcoming graduation Ethan!

Lori Coleman

The daughter of filmmakers, Lori may have been predestined for a life in the creative world. She met her husband, John, while studying photography at RIT. When not creating heirlooms for her friends, family, and clients, she can usually be found in the woods or on a yoga mat. Either way, her dogs Molley and Mouse are never far away.