Fairport Family Pictures

How to Have Summer Fun and Great Family Portraits Too: Fairport NY Family Pictures

If your family is anything like mine, your summer days and nights are jam packed with family fun. It feels like we’re on the go all summer long. Camps, traveling, swimming, splash pads, berry picking - you name it, we’re making the most of family time during summer.

And if you’re anything like me, you want to capture each and every memory, but you also want to be present in that memory.

The struggle is real. We get it. We’re constantly caught between taking the picture and being present.

This is why our Candid Mini Family Sessions are so important to us. Take our summer events for example. We visited Edmund Lyons Splash Pad and also went raspberry picking. With both of these mini sessions, we’re gave our clients the freedom to put their phone away and (gasp)… be in the pictures.

Because we’re there, and at these family pictures - that’s our job.

Fairport NY Winter Family Pictures: Candid Photography

How do you know if our Candid Mini Session Events are for your right for your next set of family pictures?

For one, you love candid pictures of your family. Our sledding mini session event is a prime example of the candid side of life we capture. We take a few posed pictures of each family, and then it’s all about the play!

Their scrunched up, happy screaming faces as they come down the hill are pretty fantastic. Aren’t they?

And if you don’t care for snowy family pictures, that’s ok, because our candid mini sessions happen every single month. These family pictures mini sessions are always changing, and usually include some sort of activity that keeps your kids happy while we capture their smiles.