Candid Family Mini Sessions

Holiday Candid Mini Sessions in Pittsford NY: Fairport NY Photographers

Our holiday family candid mini sessions at Pittsford Dairy were so dang cute!

From warming up by the fire to playing a quick game of hide and seek in the trees, this was the perfect location for some winter mini sessions for our families.

And when we were finished, we all headed inside for a fun, sweet treat! I mean, honestly how could we pass it up?

Looking for our next Candid Mini Session option? Check them out below!

Fall Candid Mini Sessions: Family Pictures in Rochester NY

2022’s Fall Candid Mini Family Sessions were gorgeous - every single one of them!

There were three opportunities for families to update their family pictures last fall. Our Tinker Park Family Sessions, a Halloween costume party at Chase Farms, and a late fall family mini session day at Abraham Lincoln Park.

Check out our favorites from each one below! Which will you join us for?

Tinker Park

Chase Farms

Abraham Lincoln Park

Apple Picking Mini Sessions in Rochester NY

What is it about apple picking that makes for such fun candid mini session pictures? These family portrait sessions are always our most popular of the year.

Is it the fun of grabbing an apple and munching on it right there in the orchard? Is it the kids running up and down the paths? Is it the excitement when Mom or Dad lifts a child up to get the apple that’s all the way up on top of the tree?

We’ll never know for sure, but these families made the most of their apple snacks AND their family pictures.

Apple picking mini sessions for the win!

Mendon NY Family Pictures: Fairport NY Photographers

A fall family portrait session with the perfect blend of candid photography and posed portraits doesn’t exi…

Oh wait, just kidding. These family pictures in Mendon nailed it.

All of the necessary elements were there:

  • A gorgeous day.

  • Adorable, smiley kids, and their parents too.

  • A swing set to climb on.

  • A leaf pile ready for throwing.

  • Chickens.

If that doesn’t sum up these family pictures, I just don’t know what does.

Beach Mini Sessions in Rochester NY: Fairport NY Photographers

Family pictures at the beach should always be this perfect.

Though for about an hour before them, it was pourinnnnng. We nervously watched the radar and hoped that we wouldn’t have to reschedule this candid mini session. Thankfully, the skies cleared and the light ended up being absolutely perfect.

We played on the boardwalk, in the sand, in the water and at Abbotts with this group of families. When it was all over, we were damp from going in the lake, full of sand and had full bellies from ice cream. But these family pictures were worth every grain of sand.

The pictures below were from our 2022 Candid Mini Session at the beach. This summer’s are happening in August! Want to join us?

Summer Candid Family Mini Sessions: Fairport NY Family Pictures

Pro tip: Kids are often much more excited to have their picture taken when they know something fun is about to happen.

Which is why our Candid Mini Sessions often include an activity!

For example, we go mini golfing! Along the way, we capture some adorable family pictures. In between the family portraits, they get to play, and so do you!

That’s why Candid Family Mini Sessions are perfect for kids who never sit still.

It really is that easy and fun.

Another fun place to explore in the summer is the Webster Arboretum. This location has so many great settings, not only for family pictures, but for kids to explore, run, and climb. Check out some of the fun we had below!

If you’ve hesitated on booking a Candid Mini Session in the past because you think your kids won’t cooperate, we get it. We hear that a lot from parents who have signed up in the past. But the pictures speak for themselves. Give it try, we’d love to meet you!

How to Have Summer Fun and Great Family Portraits Too: Fairport NY Family Pictures

If your family is anything like mine, your summer days and nights are jam packed with family fun. It feels like we’re on the go all summer long. Camps, traveling, swimming, splash pads, berry picking - you name it, we’re making the most of family time during summer.

And if you’re anything like me, you want to capture each and every memory, but you also want to be present in that memory.

The struggle is real. We get it. We’re constantly caught between taking the picture and being present.

This is why our Candid Mini Family Sessions are so important to us. Take our summer events for example. We visited Edmund Lyons Splash Pad and also went raspberry picking. With both of these mini sessions, we’re gave our clients the freedom to put their phone away and (gasp)… be in the pictures.

Because we’re there, and at these family pictures - that’s our job.

Rochester NY Family Pictures: Highland Park Mini Sessions

In the first few family pictures below, you can see everything you need to know about a Candid Mini Session Event. Highland Park in May during peak Lilac season was the perfect setting for this particular event.

The first family portrait is a shot we set up. We picked the angle, the back lighting, and even asked them for a little bit of the action you see. The result - an all smiles, golden hour family picture.

The family picture below that is far more candid in nature. We let them be, and allowed them to play on the playground together. The result - joy in a real moment as a family.

Real life doesn’t happen in posed pictures alone. That perfect blend of both types of family pictures is exactly what we aim for at every single Candid Mini Session.

Spring Candid Family Pictures

Family Pictures in Rochester NY

Spring definitely brought us a variety of weather for our various candid family mini sessions. One day was the perfect sunny evening, and the next was chilly with a chance of rain.

But that’s ok, because our candid mini sessions can withstand any temperature, and so can the families who joined us for candid family pictures.

For example - At Kings Bend Park, the golden hour light was perfect for portraits of the kids at play on the playground, or throwing rocks from the edge of the nearby water. Parents could relax and enjoy the time with their kids at the playground, or step back and let them play while we captured their laughter and smiles.

On the day of our first May event, it was sunny and gorgeous ALL day. But right around the time our Candid MIni Sessions with Jardin Terrariums got underway, the sun faded and the rain began. Thankfully, the families who joined us for terrarium building with their families were flexible, and went with the changes seamlessly.

They still got to experience an activity, and create a memory with their kids - and we were still there capturing the candid family pictures, so they didn’t need to take their phone out once to take a picture themselves.

So what do you think? What Candid Mini Session on the upcoming calendar catches your eye?

Fairport NY Winter Family Pictures: Candid Photography

How do you know if our Candid Mini Session Events are for your right for your next set of family pictures?

For one, you love candid pictures of your family. Our sledding mini session event is a prime example of the candid side of life we capture. We take a few posed pictures of each family, and then it’s all about the play!

Their scrunched up, happy screaming faces as they come down the hill are pretty fantastic. Aren’t they?

And if you don’t care for snowy family pictures, that’s ok, because our candid mini sessions happen every single month. These family pictures mini sessions are always changing, and usually include some sort of activity that keeps your kids happy while we capture their smiles.

Northampton Park Family Pictures: Rochester NY Photographers

Family pictures just feel different when there’s no pressure to get the perfect posed shot. Great family pictures without the stress of perfection is our goal at every candid mini session.

So we set up what we call “playground parties. This one at Northampton Park was so much fun. We had the park nearly to ourselves the whole time, and the kids climbed and ran and played. I chased them around, being silly and letting their playful personalities shine.

Want to know more about the candid mini sessions?

Candid Mini Family Sessions in Fairport NY

The weather was chilly for our first playground Candid Mini Session of 2022, but it didn’t stop the kids from having a blast. And it didn’t stop us from capturing some family pictures while the kids played.

We love the Egypt Park playground, both for it’s proximity to Lollypop Farms, and it’s cute barn theme. There’s also a great paved path for scooters, and the playground area is padded which helps avoid muddy playground pictures in March.

We’ll have family mini sessions at playgrounds ALL year long, so if you missed out on this one - check the schedule below for the next one!