Fairport NY Brand Photos

Voice Therapist Brand Photography in Fairport NY

When I first met Caroline, I learned that she was a Voice Therapist in the beginning stages of beginning her own private practice.

We photographed her branding photography in Fairport, NY at a local co-working studio, in order to give her both an “on-location” approach, and a also brand photography that feels like a professional office.

She wasn’t 100% ready to launch her website yet, but she had every single bit of research and much of her brand planned out. She knew what she wanted to offer her clients, who her ideal client was and exactly what types of branding images she’d need to bring her vision to reality.

I’ll be honest, it was refreshing. There are times when we have to dig deep with a branding client to learn what there branding photography needs are. But not Caroline.

She had it all planned out, so that when it came to her personal branding photography, she was ready to go. And the results speak for themselves. We can’t wait to see how these headshots and branding portraits get used in the near future!

Personal Brand Photography in Rochester NY

Rochester Family Orthodontics

When was the last time you enjoyed going to the dentist? For me - it was when we went to visit Dr. Maureen Wood, and her team at Rochester Family Orthodontics. However, we weren’t there for dental work.

We spent time photographing some brand photography for their new website. Because dentists need branding pictures too!

These ladies are great people to work with, and we look forward to seeing these photograph in action soon!

Ready to talk personal brand photography?

Personal Branding in Rochester NY: Fairport NY Photographers

We started in 2013 with portraits with her sisters. And then we photographed her wedding in 2015, her sister’s wedding in 2016. She began her career and her family out of state, but moved back recently, quickly booking an updated family portrait, and also a personal branding session for herself.

And every time we see her, she’s like a light that draws us in. It’s easy to see why this doctor’s brand as a expert in menopause and women’s health is taking off.

We aren’t sure how she does it. Between her Women’s Health podcast, her leadership position with Midi Health and her family, she also found time to write a book, which hits shelves in June.

Check out how some of her photographs have been used:

Wait until the last photo! We know her!

Oh and did we mention that she got to meet and be on a panel with OPRAH recently?! WHHHHATTTT? (I probably should have led with that, huh?)

Honestly, we’re pretty honored to say we know and love this amazing woman. Thank you Dr. Heather Hirsch, for giving us the opportunity to showcase your brand, your way.

Our Favorites:

3 Reasons to Update your Branding Pictures: Fairport NY Photographers

This is Kristi’s second branding mini session this year. We photographed her last at our brand sessions at Do or Dye, back in March. She’s still using those branding pictures, so why would you want to have another round of portraits taken in the same year? Feels like a lot, right?

After all, you just had “new” business headshots taken 2 years ago.

Here’s 3 reasons to update your branding pictures a little more often.

  • Your website feels stale.

    • When was the last time you checked to make sure your website was working for you? Is your bio outdated? Would some fresh pictures change everything?

  • Seasons change.

    • Are you planning to post happy summer pictures to your feeds all winter long? Timely pictures will help.

  • Leveling up.

    • Kristi mentioned she was planning to aim for a different type of client. She’s growing and evolving, and she wants her pictures to reflect that going forward. Has your business leveled up since your last set of branding pictures were taken.

We’re not saying you have to sign up for a branding mini session every time - unless you love consistently fresh content! But if you’re looking at a portrait on your website from 2019, it might be time to think about an update. And if so, our branding sessions might be perfect for your needs.

Tips for Personal Brand Photo Shoots: Fairport NY Brand Photography

You know your brand visuals are super important to your small business. So you’ve got your brand photo shoot booked, but you’re a little nervous about what to do next.

Here’s four tips for your head shot or branding session:

1) Find some inspiration.

Use Pinterest, or collect images that you’re drawn to. It could be as simple as your brand colors, or a fun pattern, or even specific poses that portray what you want your audience to feel. Then show your photographer what you’re drawn to.

2) Pick the right location.

Ask yourself, does this location fit my brand? Or am I using it because it’s what everyone is doing? Find the right place for you.

3) Do what feels good.

If it helps you, get your hair and makeup done. Pick the right outfits, and get a second opinion if you need it. Meditate or do yoga, or have a dance party if it relaxes you. Because when you feel good, your confidence will show in your branding pictures.

4) Know your words and your why.

Why do you do what you do? What purpose does your business serve? What are the top 3-5 words you want the world to see in your brand? For example: A few of ours are “fun” and “real.” We try to show these kinds of images for our people to understand who we are and what we’re about.

You’re going to use these branding images to communicate your message and build trust with your audience. Hopefully these personal brand session tips help point you in the right direction.

If you’re truly lost, ask your photographer for help - that’s what we’re here for. We want you to have the right brand pictures for you.

Above all else, have fun!