Family Pictures in Webster NY

Lifestyle Newborn Photography in Webster NY

When it comes to capturing those precious first moments with your newborn, deciding between an in-home session versus a studio session is a common consideration. While both portrait session options have their merits, there are distinct advantages to choosing an in-home newborn session.

Candid Mini Sessions: Family Pictures at Webster Arboretum

There are so many perfect little nooks and crannies at the Webster Arboretum for family pictures. It’s hard for me to pick my favorite spot!

Our summer family mini sessions were full of silly faces and giggles - and that was just from us, the family photographers. The families that joined us for their family portraits were also full of silliness and laughs, but also snuggles and hugs.

The kids loved playing hide and seek in the willow trees, and climbing up on the rocks throughout the park. The parents loved getting an updated family picture AND simultaneously letting their kiddos run off some energy at the same time. Win-win for everyone!

Summer Candid Family Mini Sessions: Fairport NY Family Pictures

Pro tip: Kids are often much more excited to have their picture taken when they know something fun is about to happen.

Which is why our Candid Mini Sessions often include an activity!

For example, we go mini golfing! Along the way, we capture some adorable family pictures. In between the family portraits, they get to play, and so do you!

That’s why Candid Family Mini Sessions are perfect for kids who never sit still.

It really is that easy and fun.

Another fun place to explore in the summer is the Webster Arboretum. This location has so many great settings, not only for family pictures, but for kids to explore, run, and climb. Check out some of the fun we had below!

If you’ve hesitated on booking a Candid Mini Session in the past because you think your kids won’t cooperate, we get it. We hear that a lot from parents who have signed up in the past. But the pictures speak for themselves. Give it try, we’d love to meet you!

Family Pictures in Webster NY: Fairport NY Photographers

Since we saw them last, they’ve had 3 beautiful kids and lived out of state. They recently decided to make the move back to Rochester and one of the first things they did was book their family pictures. They hadn’t even officially moved into their new house yet, but they knew they wanted to update their family portrait before the weather changed to snow.

And what a beautiful day we had at Abraham Lincoln Park. Even though there were a few playground bumps and bruises along the way, we captured some gorgeous family pictures for them to cherish in their new home.

Welcome home Heather and Blaze!

Holiday Family Pictures at Home: Fairport NY Photographers

Ok, I know, you’re not ready to think Holiday. But we are, because it’s our job to plan ahead. So check out this adorable at home holiday portrait session from last year.

This family portrait session in Webster NY was all about celebrating the holidays. We loved it!

With this little one and his family, there was no a lack of holiday spirit to these family pictures.

From matching pjs to playing in the snow together, reading about elves and making cookies together - this portrait session. This session was magical because we got to photograph all the joys of Christmas through a toddler’s eyes.

Ready to chat about your family pictures?

Family Pictures in Webster NY: Fairport NY Photographers

When we first talked about her upcoming family pictures, she mentioned that the patriarch of the family wasn’t doing well. Everyone would be in town, and they wanted to capture the family together.

We had a beautiful sunny day for their portrait session, and everyone, even grandpa was all smiles. Why wouldn’t he be, surrounded by his legacy? What a fun family portrait session! They even made special shirts to commemorate the day and attempted to recreate a family photo from the past. 

We ended their family portrait session hanging out down by the lake in Webster. 

Where’s your favorite place to wind down with your family?

Family Pictures at Webster Pier: Webster NY Photographer

Alaina and her family have been part of our membership program since Alaina was born. It's been amazing to watch her turn into this bubbly little girl. Witnessing and capturing growth, not only in Alaina's size but as a family is a beautiful experience. 

Picking flowers, climbing benches, playing peek a boo - really, is there a better way to spend a morning with a two year old? I think not.

Her eyes light up with happiness when she's playing. And that laugh, I swear you can almost hear it in these photographs. 

Check them out, you'll see what I mean!

~ Erin

Family Portraits in Webster NY

Mom and Dad with three beautiful girls. One in middle school, one in high school and one entering college! How do they do it? And with two wonderful dogs too!

Of course, all the girls are a little different and into their own activities, but one thing they share is a love of volleyball. They are so lucky to have a beach court practically in their back yard. So of course, we had to take advantage! 

It was such a pleasure hanging out with this wonderful family. Good luck with the next phase of life - three girls in college!

Hope to see you all again soon,

Family Pictures with One Year olds

Alaina is a happy one year old. She loves being outside (as do I) so playing with bubbles, blocks and swinging was a great start to the session. But the way it ended was fantastic... her parents gifted her this water table! Watching her play and splash around, you could tell she was in her happy place.

Her family is part of our VIP membership program. We've been honored to see Alaina go from newborn to almost a toddler over the past year. We can't wait to see her grow as the next year goes by!

If the pig tails don't get you, that smile will! Happy Birthday Alaina!
