Pittsford Mendon Senior Pictures

Pittsford Mendon Senior Pictures: Maya Class of 2023

Maya is an upcoming Class of 2023 grad at Pittsford Mendon High School. She’s a softball player and volunteers outside of the classroom.

Her senior pictures in Webster included both the Arboretum and the shoreline at Webster Park. Everything from the sunset light to the flowers was perfect for her golden hour senior portraits.

She’s got a fantastic sense of style, amazing hair, and a gorgeous smile. Also I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little jealous of those eyes!

If you see her, congratulate her as she heads off to new adventures after high school!

Pittsford Mendon Senior Pictures: Class of 2022, Isabella

Pittsford Mendon High School Senior, Isabella, is an outdoorsy girl.

So climbing on a log barefoot in her senior pictures was totally normal for her.

I’m not sure if she was more at home by the water, or in the tree, but she was definitely a natural with her duck. She and Quackers the Therapy Duck donate their time to spread smiles. How awesome is that?

Thank you for such a fun and unique senior session Isabella, and congratulations Class of 2022! -Lori